
Internet Marketing involves a lot of research and in a marketer's world, research is something you can never do too much of.  You will be spending a lot of time finding out what's hot and what's not on the internet.  Your role as an Affiliate is to connect your product to its consumers.  And to do this you will need research.

To be able to connect your product to its consumer, you need to find a Niche that you would like to promote.  What is a Niche?  Niche is another word for a product or service that people are searching over the internet.  You can find products that you may be interested in (so it won't be as hard when you start writing about it) or products that are really hot in the market (so you'll know that there will be people buying it.)
There are ways of finding Niches and for all you know, it's already been part of your everyday life but this time you have to think like a marketer to consider it a Niche. 
Key points when hunting for Niches:
  • Stay focused - Stay on track and close all distractions when researching.
  • Write it down - Whatever comes to mind, write everything down as you will have different thoughts the next morning and always have a pen and notepad when away from the computer.
  • Keep an open mind - Even if you are not interested on some products but you know it's profitable, think about the amount of people that will buy the product.
  • Niche hunting is fun - consider everything that people are searching for online is a Niche.

Once you've chosen your niche, you need to connect your product to the consumers.  How? That's where Keyword Research comes in as you need to find the possible highest number of searches for a certain keyphrase pertaining to that product.

As mentioned above, connecting your product to consumers is vital to Internet Marketing.  Without the knowledge of what people are actually looking for online will not result in any sale. First, let's define what a Keyword is and differentiate it with a Keyphrase.  Keyword is a single word or short phrase (two-word) to describe something or anything the people do - basically it is the actual words that people are typing into the search engines like Google, Yahoo or MSN and examples of keywords are money, heartburn, realtor or advisor.  These words are the "seed" keyword which is basically the starting point to your keyword research.  A Keyphrase, which is also called the "long-tail keyword," is what people actually need from the actual keyword, as the "seed" keyword will be very broad when you search for them on Google.  
For example, under the money could mean a lot of things - making money, currency, or debt; with the keyword heartburn - could be remedies, ways to avoid, cures, or medicines for heartburn; with the keyword realtor / advisor - could be realtor / advisor in Kansas City.  Let's see more examples so you can tell the difference between a keyword and a keyphrase

       KEYWORD      -        KEYPHRASE
  • money             -       ways to make money, make money to pay debt, latest on currency
  • heartburn        -        heartburn remedies that works, what are the cures for heartburn, need medicines       for heartburn
  • realtor/advisor -       realtor/ advisor in Kansas City, best available realtor/ advisor today, etc.
  • weight loss      -       weight loss before wedding, weight loss strategies for seniors, weight loss after pregnancy
  • psp music        -       ways to download psp music, where to find psp music
  • dog training     -        simple strategies in dog training, dog training facts to follow      

Now, why do we need Keyword Research?  Keyword research is key to getting the level of traffic that will help your site rank in Google.  Not just to rank but aims to get first-page rank in Google.  And it would be very difficult to materialize if you don't do proper keyword research.  In the Internet Marketer's point of view, it would be best to start your research with the long tail keywords as you will find it much easier to position yourself in the top search engine results.

You can start your Keyword Research by using free online services like the Google Keyword Tool, Wordtracker, or Keyword Discovery.

So, how do I know it's the right keyword or keyphrase to use?  Is there a real basis in doing Keyword Research?  I'm sure you will start asking these questions once you start doing your KW Research.  Basically the key is to find results with high number in searches (traffic) and low number in results (competition) 

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